 The word cybernetics origins from the word 'kybernet' of Greek language which means feedback. In Greek the word 'kybornmen' means administrator or the one who governs or controls. Thus we can say that cybernetics is a system of administration or in other words we can say cybernetics is a science of communication and control.

 The word cybernetics was first used by 'Norbert Weiner'in 1948. The theory of cybernetics believes that to modify human behaviour and to control it feedback is needed and for humanCybernetic theory emphasises on using all the techniques and strategies of feedback to bring expected changes in human behaviour. Thus cybernetics also paves the way for self-learning.

The responses of the learner can be controlled and directed to the desired direction. This system makes teaching more scientific and systematised. Cybernetics helps to analyze teaching process objectively and is useful in providing classroom instructions. The concepts of Microteaching, programmed learning and simulated teaching do follow the principles of cybernetics.


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